School Board

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Board Policy Manual - Bloomfield Schools

Click here to join the 6 PM 2-10-25 Board Meeting

Board Meeting Video Archive

Dale Maes - President
[email protected]
District 3, Term 2024-2028

Tony DeHerrera - Vice President
[email protected]
District 4, Term 2022-2026

David Salcido - Secretary
[email protected]

District 2, Term 2022-2026

Ben Woody Jr. - Member
[email protected]

District 5, Term 2022-2026

Sue Ann Finch - Member
[email protected]
District 1, Term 2024-2028

Statement of Philosophy

It is the firm belief of the Board that the future of our nation will be determined by the degree to which our future citizenry will find itself able to adapt to changes and make those changes work for the welfare of mankind. We also recognize that three basic institutions in our society are the determining factors of our future democratic way of life. These three institutions are:

1.  The Home
2.  The Church
3.  The School

Each of these institutions is directly responsible and all three are cooperatively responsible for the full development of future citizens.

 Board of Education Goals

1. We must act on the commitment to education, providing students with opportunities to learn.
2. We must develop a full partnership with students, staff, parents, and community in the planning process for school  improvement.
3. We must develop a community of learners that value education and provide opportunities for continued learning.
4. We must provide the opportunity for decisions to be made close to the student whenever possible.
5. We must establish prudent financial management through planning and participation.
6. We must increase employee satisfaction, productivity, accountability, and provide for continued employee growth.
7. We must represent fully the pluralism of the Bloomfield Community with movement toward a multi-cultural organization.

The Bloomfield School District Board of Education welcomes public comments during its regular board meetings to offer suggestions on topics relevant to the Bloomfield Schools District.  Topics may include suggestions for improving district services, policies, items currently on the meeting agenda, etc.  Citizens who wish to speak during Board of Education meetings should register with the administration office by noon the day preceding the meeting by completing the Request to Address Board form.  Your request must be confirmed before your name will be placed on the list of possible speakers.  For additional information, or if you have not received a confirmation, please contact the Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent by telephone at 505-634-3898 or by email at [email protected].

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