The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), was previously reauthorized in 2002 as the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, as the main federal law supporting K-12 public education in the United States. Originally enacted in 1965, ESEA established federal policy and authorized federal funding for states and local school districts. ESEA's goal is to improve the academic performance of all public school students regardless of economic status, race, ethnicity, proficiency in English, or disability. ESEA was scheduled to be reauthorized in 2007. However, the provisions of the law-including many flaws-were extended through the congressional appropriations process. Although Congress intended to improve academic achievement by all students, especially English language learners (ELL), students in poverty, and students with disabilities, the NCLB accountability framework became seriously flawed and needed to be revised. This act was revised as ESSA and was signed into law in 2015 and is at the beginning stages of implementation. Through this work states in the U.S. must begin the process to develop statewide plans to support components of this act.
- See more at: https://www.nsba.org/advocacy/federal-legislative-priorities/every-student-succeeds-act-essa
Bloomfield School District Administration is working to improve relationships with the NMPED (New Mexico Public Education Division) by becoming active in statewide stakeholder meetings and giving input to improve schools settings, access to academics and support educational staff through professional development. The State of New Mexico is working to attain input from K-12 Initiatives such as Title I schools, accountability for student achievement, programs for English language learners, math-science partnerships, and Title II professional development to develop statewide goals to bring all New Mexico schools to a higher and more equitable standard.
- Draft documents from NMPED will become available January 2017
A survey will be located on this site to ask the community for input and gauge what our district office needs to be done to support Students, Parents, Educators and all stakeholders in the Bloomfield School District.
Links to ESSA information:
ESSA US Department ofEducation
Parent Guide to ESSA