Johnson O'Malley Program

Historical Perspective

"The Act of April 16, 1934, enacted the Federal law commonly known as the "Johnson O'Malley Act" that authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to make contracts for the education of Indians and other [purposes (25 U.S.C. 455-457). Senator Hiram Johnson of California and Congressman Thomas Patrick O'Malley of Wisconsin, were sponsors of the legislation." This is how the Johnson O'Malley got its name. JOM use to be part of the general operation funds for school district up to 1958, when P.L. 81-874/Impact Aid was passed and amended converting JOM funds to supplemental funding.

The Navajo Nation Johnson O'Malley Program

"It is the mission of the Johnson-O'Malley Program, pursuant to the Johnson-O'Malley Act (25 CFR 273) passed in 1934, Public Law 93-638, as amended (P.L. 103-413), and the Navajo Nation education policies to ensure that Indian children receive the adequate educational opportunities that would not otherwise be provided.

Indian students from age 3 years through grade 12, except those enrolled in Bureau of Indian Affairs or sectarian operated schools, are eligible for benefits provided by the Johnson-O'Malley subcontract if they are ¼ or more degree Indian blood of a federally-recognized tribe.

It is the Navajo Nation JOM program's intent to promote and advance accelerated studies for Indian students that will enhance their academic success, improve self-esteem, and promote development of the student's native language and culture. The program is coordinating its efforts with state "consolidation/integration" plans under IASA (Improving America's Schools Act), Goals 2000 and Executive Orders."

Indian Education Committee: Meets every second Monday of the month, except July - listen to KNDN Navajo Station and check The Farmington Daily Times.

NEXT MEETING: TBA in the Federal Programs Office - if you are a parent/guardian of student attending Bloomfield Schools, you are invited to attend.

Bloomfield Schools Johnson O'Malley Program

JOM provides supplemental educational opportunities for Native American students. The services are varied but are comprised mainly of academic programs.

  • Implement and monitor program components
  • Provide partial fte Native Youth advisor in secondary school
  • Provide Navajo Language and History courses, meeting Navajo Nation scholarship requirements
  • Provide cultural enrichment activities
  • Assist Native American students with parental shares, enabling student participation in regular educational programs which require fees
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