Title IAA Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting

The purpose of Title II - To increase student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teacher in the classroom and highly qualified principals in schools.

Bloomfield Schools uses Title II Part A funds in the following "allowable activities":

- Support the development and implementation of mechanisms to assist schools in effectively recruiting and retaining highly qualified teachers, including specialists in core academic subjects and principals.

- Address the "Qualification for Teachers and Paraprofessionals" as described in Section 1119 of the NCLB act.

- Provide professional development activities that improve the knowledge of teachers and principals and, in appropriate cases, paraprofessionals concerning:

1. One or more of the academic subjects that the teachers teach,

2. Effective instructional strategies, methods, and skills,

3. Use of the State academic standards and benchmarks, and State assessments,

4. Use of data and assessment to improve classroom practices and student learning.

5. How to teach and address the needs of students with different learning styles, particularly student with disabilities, students with special learning needs, and students with limited English proficiency,

-Involve the hiring of highly qualified teachers in order to reduce class size, particularly in the early grades. District activities supporting above "allowable activities"

-Reimbursement for NMTA fees for elementary and content areas. Reimbursement for coursework taken to meet waiver requirements.

-District Math Specialist to work with K - 8 classroom teachers in math content.

-Administer the Parapro test and provide test preparation training.

-Reimbursement for Parapro fee

-Fee for La Prueba testing for new bilingual teachers

-Class size reduction at 3.0 fte

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